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Prevent Bullying

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All individuals have a positive part to contribute when a situation of bullying has been put forward. The following describe some ideas/examples:

Increase the awareness and knowledge regarding the topic of “Bullying” to children. Communicate the major and minor aspects to them, in order for the child to comprehend the elements and understand the unacceptable behavior. Ensure that they recognize the help factors they can receive to prevent this issue such as, talking to an adult. Encouraging the student to aspire and acquire their hobbies is also an important way to motivate them to gain confidence in their specialized skills. Lastly, depicting and portraying appropriate behaviour towards the child can also help them to understand the right manner to approach their members of the society.

Short tips for students:
Reporting- Student should communicate with a trusted adult when facing challenges. As this will allow them to gain comfort and advise that may help resolve the problem.

Talking- Stand up for yourself. There are diverse ways used by student use to avoid these situations such as, using humor an firm confident speaking or simply ignore.


Helping- Always remember that helping your peers is the best way to prevent bullying. Showing actions of kindness and supporting them will aim the victims fear.Help kids understand bullying. Talk about what bullying is and how to stand up to it safely. Tell kids bullying is unacceptable. Make sure kids know how to get help.

Short tips for adults

Be a role model- Show kids how to treat other with kindness and respect. Start by treating others nicely and children will learn from the adults action. 

Lessons- Teach the children from a young age how they are supposed to treat their classmates and friends. They might not understand straight away what bullying is about, but they'll listen and learn a lesson.


Short tips for teachers

Safe Environment- Build or create a nice and safe environment in which student are happy to be in. This can be done by having small and fun exercise for the students to mix up and hang around with different people.

Monitoring- Always have a teacher monitor in each area of the school. Bullying usually occurs in places where teachers are less likely to be seen.  Be around when a kid is needed and when strange actions are coming from kids, ask them what is going on. 

Manage classrooms- Bullying can be prevented if teacher are in charge of the  classroom. This can be done by setting some rules in which students can follow. Some example could be establishing a culture of respecting each student in the school and welcoming the new ones. Rewarding the students who has shown thoughtfulness and respect for their colleagues teachers and the school. Always remind the students that there are consequences to each bad action. Show them what is supposed to be done and what is not supposed to be done to create a friendly environment in classrooms. 


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