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Bullying is when one person or a group of people hurt another person deliberately and repeatedly. It is a hostile, physical or an oral gesture that can cause trouble to an individual and can continue over time. Such repetitive action, represents a form of imbalanced superiority in society. There are multiple ways for the bully to demonstrate their supremacy over the victim. Bullying has long-term effects not only on the victims, but the spectators of the act as well, and is expressed in three main ways, namely, physical, verbal, and cyberbullying. The bullies often show control and power over their victims. This power may come from their size, strength, reputation, and peers.

Physical bullying is when a person uses physical acts to harm the victim. These acts are not difficult to recognize, as they are obvious. Some examples are...

• Hitting, pushing someone around

•Stealing, destroying someone’s things
•Forcing people to do things they don’t want to do (Peer Pressure)

 Verbal bullying or social bullying is when the bully uses language or acts to hurt the victim’s feelings. This includes teasing, or making fun of someone’s weaknesses or appearance. Some examples of this are...


•Calling people names or insulting them
•Rejecting to speak to someone
•Circulate rumors about someone
•Public humiliation or taunting
•Harassment based on someone’s sexual preference, race or disabilities
•Excluding someone from groups
•Threatening letters, notes, phone calls

 Cyberbullying is when bullying happens over the Internet. Bullies find various ways to bully the victim anywhere by posting upsetting messages and statuses. Some methods of this are expressed by...

•Sending mean messages on social networking websites (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc.)
•Sending rude emails or messages in chat rooms
•Creating fake profiles and posting nasty statuses and photos


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